Western Pony, Black Pinto - Low Shoulder Spot

Western Pony, Black Pinto - Low Shoulder Spot


Regular price $3295 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.95 USD
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One of the earliest in Breyer's stable, the black pinto Western Pony was only made from 1956-1976.  He came with a black snap-cinch saddle until 1967, and then was swapped to a grey slip-on one.  Three variations have been found, having to do with the white spot on his right shoulder.  Some have it positioned high, some have it low (touching his forearm), and at least one has no spot there at all.

This fellow is in Excellent condition with his biggest noticeable rub being a tiny one on his right hock.  He has some tiny rubs on his hooves and in the overspray above them, and tiny eartip rubs, some dull areas in his gloss from his saddle going on and off, and moderate age yellowing.  He has some price tag sticker residue under his belly, not noticeable on regular display.  He's a nice example of this release, and probably fairly early, with rather crisp markings and mane stenciling.  His reins were gold-tone over copper, and since the gold-tone has begun to wear, the copper is giving them a warm color, like rose gold.  He even has his original snap-cinch saddle with both stirrups intact.  The cinch has a partial tear above the snap, but still works fine.


Size:  Traditional

Breyer Model #41

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