Copperfox Model Horses Special Event!

We recently held a survey through Facebook, with one of the questions being:  Have you heard of Copperfox Model Horses?  While most people have, and almost a third of those who responded already own one or more, almost a quarter hadn’t heard of this exciting new line.  At Triple Mountain, we’re big fans of Copperfox, so we want to correct that!

Now, before some of you go trotting off to check for Copperfox for sale on our website… They’re not available from dealers in the US yet.  However, we have something special cooking up for you, so stay tuned!  But first, let me tell you a little about Copperfox, and why we’re so excited about them.

Copperfox Model Horses website (opens in a new tab)

Copperfox is based in the UK, created and owned by Becky Benfield, owner of Utterly Horses, the UK’s largest model horse dealer and distributor for many years.  Becky’s goal was to see more realistic models, with better paint jobs, and particularly to see British horse and pony breeds better represented.

Copperfox began in a unique way for this industry:  through a Kickstarter fund!  In 2014, instead of going into debt with a bank, Becky put out a call to see if there was enough support for her idea in the collecting community, and if people would be willing to advance money for models that would be produced if enough capital was raised.  Triple Mountain is one of many who answered the call, becoming “Founding Foxes” for this fledgling company and helping Becky begin production of her first models.   After a long, anxious wait, we received the initial round of models in the spring of 2015.  They were met with extremely positive reviews in the community, and so Becky’s concept was validated, and Copperfox was officially in the model-making business!

Copperfox Model Horses 2016 range of models
The Copperfox range of models available as of summer, 2016

Currently, Copperfox is producing models from four molds, all in the traditional 1:9 scale we’re used to:  The Welsh Cob (Eleda’s favorite!), Irish Sports Horse, Connemara, and Exmoor.  They are being produced in limited quantities, usually of only 250 in each color, making them great collectibles.  The models are made of a slightly different plastic mixture than Breyer, allowing for greater detail in the finished pieces and much more durability.  Becky tells me that to test the endurance of the models, they actually made some of different materials, then threw them across the room to see which held up best!  I cringe at the thought, but am impressed by that dedication to making a great product.  I can also vouch for their success – One of my Welsh Cobs took a tumble from a shelf almost five feet above a hardwood floor…  and survived without even a scratch or an eartip rub! 

We’re hoping that eventually production will be large enough that there will be models available for US dealers to sell, but for now, all of their models are shipping directly from their headquarters in the UK.  So, why are we excited about a product line we can’t even sell yet?

We’re excited because of the quality of the sculpts and paint jobs, but we’re also excited because Copperfox is a family-owned, woman-owned business.  Becky started Utterly Horses when she was sixteen years old, and grew it into the largest model horse business in Europe.  That’s impressive enough in itself, but her dedication to the hobby was tested, and her integrity really showed, when, upon hearing that Copperfox’s Kickstarter was successful, the world’s largest model horse manufacturer (you know who that is, so we won’t use names), informed her that they would no longer ship models to Utterly Horses.  This left her with a very difficult decision:  Do I protect the business that I’ve spent years building, or close it and take a huge risk with this newborn business?  After a lot of soul-searching, she decided to follow her dream of Copperfox Model Horses.  She closed Utterly Horses in 2015, but retained the name as the title of Copperfox’s online newsletter.  As heartbreaking as it must have been to close a business she’d poured heart and soul into for nearly twenty years, her optimism and enthusiasm for Copperfox has propelled her start-up business into one so successful that many model runs sell out in just a few days!

With this line of models only having been in loose in the world for 18 months, we’re already seeing them do big things in the show ring.  Recently it was announced that a Copperfox Irish Sport Horse “Fabio,” competing at the immensely competitive Quarter Horse Congress Model Horse Show in Columbus, Ohio, swept the field, winning Grand Champion of the show, beating out the other class champs from many different brands.  Copperfox Finnigan and Sovereign also won their respective classes at the same show, very impressive for a brand that a quarter of the people we polled hadn’t heard of!

Copperfox Irish Sports horse Fabio taking the Championship at Quarter Horse Congress Model Horse Show 2016
Fabio, owned by Stacy, takes Grand Champ at QH Congress MHS! Photo used with Copperfox’s permission.

So, now that you know why we’re waving a flag for Copperfox, we have an exciting announcement:  Becky is sending us a Bertie model to give away!  Bertie is a handsome bay pinto on the Welsh Cob mold, and not sold publicly – He’s only available at special events! 

 Copperfox Welsh Cob Bertie model to be given away

Here's Bertie - Freshly off the plane from Copperfox!  Who will win him?


 We would like to thank Copperfox Model Horses for offering us this opportunity to give away a Bertie to one of our customers, and can’t wait to see who he goes home with!  He’s going to be a “special prize” given to one of our customers at random.  Anyone who places an order with Triple Mountain between September 1 and December 31, 2016, will be automatically entered to win him!  (See details below.)  Every order equals an entry, increasing your chances of receiving this very special model.  It’s our way of saying thank-you to our awesome customers.  And yes, you read that right:  If you have ordered since September first, you already have an entry! 


Giveaway Rules:

To be eligible for prize give-away, an order must be placed (completed and paid for, and not refunded) through during the event time frame above.  Winner will be chosen from eligible order numbers using a random number generator for impartiality.  Winner will be notified by email on or shortly after 1/1/2017, using the email address the customer provides during checkout.  Winner will be asked to verify their shipping address to insure model is shipped successfully.  If winner does not respond with address verification in that time, he/she will forfeit the prize and an alternate winner will be chosen.  Triple Mountain will cover the cost of shipping in the contiguous United States.

International customers are eligible to win, with the following stipulations:  Triple Mountain will cover up to $15 toward shipping if won by an international customer.  International customer, if chosen, will be responsible for the remainder of shipping.  If an international customer is chosen, a shipping invoice will be sent by email along with the congratulatory note.  If the invoice is paid within seven days of notification, model will be shipped.  If not, or if international customer chooses to decline the prize, an alternate winner will be chosen from among all entries.  International customers are responsible, as always, for any Customs Fees their country imposes.  Model will be shipped marked Merchandise with an accurate value attached.

Triple Mountain will announce the winner's name (first name only) and state or country of residence on our Facebook page once model has shipped.  We reserve the right to publish this information on other channels as well, such as, but not limited to:,Twitter, Pinterest, and sites we advertise on.  Permission will be extended to Copperfox Model Horses to do the same if they choose. By responding to our "notification of win" email with verification of address in acceptance of the prize, you agree to all of the terms and conditions of this giveaway.  Good luck!


More info on Copperfox Model Horses can be found at their website: 

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WOW. He’s every inch stunning! Thanks for giving us all a shot at winning him—am so excited to try! It’s saddening to read about the terrible sacrifice she had to make to bring Copperfox horses into the world…but what an outstanding result!


Love breyer horses


What awesome good news!! Thanks for sharing!

Tina Bordelon

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