Mid-Years and Halloween Horses - July 8th Update

We received the Midyear Traditionals and most of our pre-ordered Stablemates on June 30th.  The photo is of truck driver Jake who brought our load.  He's a wicked nice guy, as we say up here, and his daughter loves horses, so he takes very good care of our loads.  (Otherwise, he'd have to answer to her!)


Jake brought us the Midyear Traditionals and most of our Stablemates.  If you pre-ordered either, it's very likely your order has already shipped!

We're still waiting on:

More Stablemates - We have a couple of pre-orders still waiting on SMs, and we've ordered more cases as well for those who missed them in the first round (or want to try for a chase piece).  Breyer is currently reporting out of stock on these, with an ETA for them to get more around July 17th.  We're hoping we'll receive ours by the end of this month.  We're not keeping a waiting list at this point, so please check back on our site.  Pro tip:  Typing 70th into our search bar will bring up the SMs and the 70th Anniversary Traditionals to make checking easy.

70th Anniversary Saddlebreds - No more have arrived this week, so we're still waiting... We have dozens on order, and no updates from Breyer, so we're just waiting and watching!  The rest of the 70th Traditionals are now back in stock, though, so if you are looking for the Indian Pony, Fighting Stallion, Andalusian, or even the Chase Piece, you may be in luck!  Here's a shortcut to the 70th models.

Apparition, the Halloween Horse - The second half of our order should be on its way here any day.  They have all been reserved by pre-order, and I strongly doubt we'll be able to get more than that.  If you didn't get one pre-ordered, I recommend you check with other retailers to see if anyone has any left.  We'll begin shipping pre-orders as soon as they appear here (sorry, couldn't help myself).

New CollectA have an ETA of "sometime in August."  I'm going to say we should have them by the end of August, and maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised if they gallop in early.  We still have some of each available if you haven't pre-ordered yours yet!  You can find them all here.

Holiday Horse, Advent Calendar and Holiday Ornaments should still be on track to arrive here by the end of September.  Most have already been reserved, but we have a few available - Don't wait and miss out; be sure to pre-order the ones you like now. Click here to see this year's holiday items.


We'll keep you posted as always!  We've been very excited to see all the chase horses our customers are finding in their boxes. We've been posting them onto our Facebook page so everyone can enjoy them.

Here's a photo of each one, in case you haven't seen them yet.  They're spectacular!

The Gypsy in chrome:

Indian Pony in gold Copehagen (gold base coat with dappled blue overlay)


Happy collecting!


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1 comment

Hey! Thanks I’ve been waiting for this update, I’m thinking about pre-ordering a Christmas horse


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