Learning To Judge
Showing model horses is a fun and challenging hobby. There's always something new and interesting to learn. The biggest challenge in our hobby, though, is finding enough skilled judges to...
Nerd Herd Novice Show in Western Maine, March 5th!
Please note: Triple Mountain is sharing this show info on behalf of the show holder. Please contact her (Kayla) for information. Her contact info is below. What: Novice/ Intermediate...
Destroying Models (and How To Avoid Doing So)
There are lots of ways models can get damaged, so even though this article may be painful to look at, we hope it will help prevent your models from suffering...
Giving Tuesday Recipient: Riding To The Top
Triple Mountain is pleased to announce that starting this week, the beneficiary for our 1% to charity pledge is Riding To The Top Therapeutic Riding Center in Windham, Maine. Riding...
Best Christmas Gifts for Model Horse Lovers in ...
We know it's hard to know what they like, but we can help! Here are our top-selling items for kids and adults who love horses. From model horses to jewelry,...
2021 Breyer Retiring List
We've been waiting for it - Here it is! Which of your favorite models are being retired? Breyer is already out of most of these, so if we have any...